Using Google Spreadsheets - Far better than Airtable Database

my data is not insert in google spreadsheet

. i upload the image please helped me

You will need to show more than your script execution failures.
Please show your:
relevant blocks
spreadsheet data
your google apps script web app code
confirm you have correctly published your web app as a new version and that you are using the correct script url

Do you think people can help you just by seeing this history of errors? Tell us What I formation we can get in this?

No script code… No blocks… Then how??

please help me by seeing this

  1. remove the space between your doGet and (e), and put in a space between (e) and {, in your script and republish to new version.
  2. You do not need to specify SH=Sheet1 in your URL blocks, the script already specifies the first sheet from the left in your spreadsheet.

Unfortunately you have copied a poorly written script/blocks guide by someone else.

You could start again and follow this guide:

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If you made single mistake in script code then it won’t work. Please focus on it . Follow the link suggested by TimAi2 and start to correct one by one. Again generate new script link then add it to the app and test it

Your script get sh by index not by name.
Try to Remove



Thanks for reinforcing that point :wink:

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i also removed space but it doesn’t work

And also updated block of codes.

change doget to doGet

thanks it works with your help

Hi, thank you for posting this, is it possible to add new row containing image directly to the spreadsheet ?

No, first upload image to google drive or cloudinary or firebase storage etc… and then create row containing link to image

Should I add these blocks or use only these blocks


Is the < your id > in the set global url block the GSheet id?
