Using yUML in your posts

Did you know you can use yUML in your posts?

Here is an example of a yUML diagram:
[note: Use yUML to make diagrams of your code!{bg:cornsilk}],[Costumer{bg:orange}]<>1-if 0…>[Order], [Order]++->[LineItem], [Order]-1>[DeliveryMethod], [Order]-*>[Product], [Category]<->[Product], [DeliveryMethod]^[National], [DeliveryMethod]^[International]

To create a yUML diagram, just add this in your code:

yuML Diagram Code

For example: ``` [yuml] [if (true)]->[set Label1.text to ❝It works❞] [/yuml] ``` [yuml] [if (true)]->[set Label1.text to ❝It works❞] [/yuml]

Hope this helps in your posts :wink: