[V 1.0.2] DevX-Shop An Ecommerce Solution

๐Ÿ›’ DevX Shop Extension

Effortlessly manage products, maintain stock, and keep the cart updated in real-time

DevxShop is the ultimate extension for building your own eCommerce platform in Kodular and MIT App Inventor! Effortlessly manage products, maintain stock, and keep the cart updated in real-time. :briefcase::shopping_cart:
Create a robust product catalog, add to cart functionality, and even notify usersโ€”all in one seamless experience!

:date: Release Information
:calendar: Release Date: 2024-10-05T16:00:00Z :tada:
:calendar: Last Updated: 2024-10-10T16:00:00Z :tada:
:gear: Latest Version: 1.0.1
:package: Package Name: com.devxlabs.devxshop
:test_tube: Tested on:

  • Device API Level: 30
  • Android Version: 11

:wrench: Features:

:jigsaw: Blocks:


Add a product to the catalog with autogenerated ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
name text Name of the product number (ID)
description text Description of the product
image text URL of the product image
price number Price of the product
stock number Available stock count
unit text Unit of measurement for the product


Update a product by specifying the product ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
id number ID of the product to update boolean (success)
name text New name of the product
description text Updated description
image text New URL for the product image
price number Updated price
stock number Updated stock count
unit text Updated unit of measurement


Remove a product from the catalog by specifying the product ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
id number ID of the product to remove boolean (success)


Get details of all products.

Return Type: List of product details (JSON).


Remove all products from the catalog.

Return Type: boolean (success).


Search for a product by ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
id number ID of the product to search JSON (product details)


Register a customer with autogenerated ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
name text Name of the customer number (ID)
contact text Contact number
email text Email address
address text Address of the customer
profilePic text URL of the customerโ€™s profile picture
username text Desired username
password text Password for the account


Login a customer by username and password.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
username text Username of the customer boolean (success)
password text Password of the customer


Get details of all customers.

Return Type: List of customer details (JSON).


Update customer profile by ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
id number ID of the customer boolean (success)
name text Updated name of the customer
contact text Updated contact number
email text Updated email address
address text Updated address
profilePic text Updated URL of profile picture
username text Updated username
password text Updated password


Remove a customer by ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
id number ID of the customer to remove boolean (success)


Remove all customers from the system.

Return Type: boolean (success).


Search for a customer by ID.

Parameter Type Description Return Type
id number ID of the customer to search JSON (customer details)



Triggered when a product is added.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the product added
name text Name of the product
description text Description of the product
image text URL of the product image
price number Price of the product
stock number Stock available for the product
unit text Unit of measurement for the product


Triggered when a product is updated.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the product updated
name text New name of the product
description text Updated description
image text New URL for the product image
price number Updated price
stock number Updated stock
unit text Updated unit of measurement


Triggered when a product is removed.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the removed product


Triggered when a customer is added.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the added customer
name text Name of the customer
contact text Contact number
email text Email address
address text Address of the customer
username text Username of the customer
password text Password of the customer


Triggered when a customer logs in successfully.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the logged-in customer
username text Username of the customer
password text Password used for login


Triggered when customer login fails.

Parameter Type Description
username text Username used for login attempt


Triggered when a customer profile is updated.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the updated customer
name text Updated name
contact text Updated contact
email text Updated email
address text Updated address
username text Updated username
password text Updated password


Triggered when a customer is removed.

Parameter Type Description
id number ID of the removed customer



:rocket: Version 1.0.1 2024-10-10T16:00:00Z

:new: New Features

  • Customer Management Functions:
    • RegisterCustomer: Added functionality to register customers with autogenerated IDs.
    • LoginCustomer: Implemented customer login using username and password.
    • GetAllCustomers: Retrieve details of all registered customers.
    • UpdateCustomerProfile: Update customer information by ID.
    • RemoveCustomer: Remove a customer by ID.
    • SearchCustomer: Search for a customer by ID.
    • RemoveAllCustomers: Added functionality to remove all customers from the system.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Updated Features

  • AddProduct: Now supports an autogenerated ID for new products, simplifying catalog management.
  • UpdateProduct: Updated to handle the description parameter alongside other product details.
  • GetAllProducts: Improved to provide a comprehensive list of all products in JSON format.

:x: Removed Features

  • Cart Functions: All cart-related functionalities have been removed. The focus will now shift to a customer-centric management system.

:rocket: Version 1.0.2 2024-10-14T16:00:00Z

:new: New Features

  • Event Handling: Introduced new events for Not Found and Already Exists for both products and customers, enhancing error handling and user feedback.
  • Password Hashing System: Implemented a secure password hashing system, ensuring that no one, including admin, can view the exact passwords stored in the system.

:clipboard: Notes

  • The extension will now be developed in a list-wise manner to ensure more structured updates and functionalities.
  • User suggestions are welcome for further improvements and feature additions.

:page_facing_up: Download

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