Video player error, 701 unable to load the video

I loaded the video to my application and then try to play it, I get error 701 unable to load the video
and when trying to pick any video from my mobile storage, I get an error (read external storage denied)
but when connect my app to companion everything doing well(video player and picker).
what is the problem?

Do you main you are upload in assets of kodular

Show your block until we can help you

yes I upload it in assests

please Show your block until we can help you

This bug has still not been fixed (I’ve reported it many times).

Here is a test app that can be used to check which paths are currently accepted by the VideoPlayer component.


this works on mine! Thanks

can you send the aia file of this project (video playerPath)?

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On my designer app, i put the raw video in documents directory. Only this will work.