VerticalViewPager: A vertical version of ViewPager

Yes, what I like is most of his extensions are Free :sunglasses:

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Can you make guide
How to make it with dynamic component

Please add autho play

All you need to do is use ID for components? Easy?

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how I Can use This same one Gide Me

Another exciting extension from 360°…



Does anyone know why this error persists, what is wrong here?

It looks like that you’re using Androidx version of the extension.

Are you using this one?

If yes then you should use this version in kodular

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Exactly that, working perfectly now, thanks!

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Looking for someone to confirm that original (AndroidX) version is working fine.

Please Update Extension

Wait…but why? :thinking:
Have you checked GitHub repo?

Working fine in new update after recast, I suggestion can you please improve the swipe up down gesture, it only swipes when we swipe fully vertical, I want that even if we swipe diagonally then also it swipe.

This is an open source extension so you can modify it according to your needs.

Hey your extension is amazing and I’d love to get more customization options though like the overscroll and change the default width of it to automatic instead of fill parent… but I almost know nothing about java I tried to make things happen but I’m drowning in errors :sob:

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Please pm me the list of customisations you need.

wow thank you… great extension

can you make tiktok ui plz help me