Very important for my future! I need your help

hello kodular team. i am new to kodular. I don’t know anything other than the basics of programming. I will attend a competition that takes place in my country. And this competition is very important for my future. I only have one day to do the project. Please help me. My project is to create different colored circles in certain places on google maps. and to receive the active location information of the users and to send a normal message to their phones when they approach or enter that circle (this is not mandatory) and to provide a voice message. For example, when you enter the circle, let it give a voice message that you are close to the intersection. How can I do it? Please help me. I am in a very difficult situation and I have a day. I need to do this project urgently. waiting for your help.

Is the competition similar to the Surprise Tests our teachers used to provide us in school life?! :roll_eyes: If so, please do let the organization know, development takes time. This is not always a cup of tea for everyone to finish the project in just one day.

Finally, try attending the competitions you’re ready for. Since this gonna be a competition in search of real talents, you sould not cheat the organization by seeking help from others. Try doing it yourself, that’s how you can learn riding a ladder of success.

Wish you all the luck! :+1:t2:


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