What am I missing on these JS Evaluate Codes for this site

Hello koders how can I solve this JS Evaluate Code to upload image on this site and get the url for image which is removed the background

I have tried all of these but none of theme is working

Please if someone have time kindly help me with the relevant working JS Evaluate Codes

you are missing ; a semi-colon at the end

where is that should be?
The point is that I want to upload the url image to this site first so I do miss something with JS Code which I don’t real know which one please someone help me


Well let us talk about this, my point is this I want to upload the image on this website so do you have any idea on how to do it with the blocks?
:point_down: :point_down: :point_down:
Because I have even tried this https://www.remove.bg/upload#url=https://www.megafmtz.com/wp-%20%20content/uploads/2022/04/MEGA-WEB-LOGO-82_68.jpgg
But nothing is working for me

in our country this site is blocked. but before the sanctions, I made an application with uploading photos to this site, there was nothing complicated. wait a minute I’ll try to open through vpn

can’t open via vpn

join me on TeamViewer then I will mark it as solution after solved

I’ll look to see if I still have the original aia file.

Ok I will appreciate because the point is how can I upload the image

See also this thread


yes I did see it before I opened the topic but I don’t want to use an API that is why I opened the topic to search for JS Evaluate codes.

Any solution to this problem? Please share your experience on how you can solve this so that we can learn something new. Thanks