What component is this and how to make this in kodular? Thanks for your answer

Good day, what component is this and how to make this in kodular? Thanks for your answer.

It is just material icon with text unfold_more

Use a label, set font as Material icon and in text place just type the above said

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ok thanks, but how to do that whenever I click unfold more it expanded and hide a layout with text, like in the 2nd and 3rd picture that I uploaded? Thank you for your answer I really appreciate it

You can start the component as hidden and show it on click and vice versa, or work with the height dimensions, if not there is an extension to expand layout in an animated way

Just use if then else logic

Set that material icon label to clickable

When it is clicked
If the bottom sheet component visible is true
Then set bottom sheet component visible to false
Else set bottom sheet component visible to true


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