Of course I checked your APK. I also made a new version of the application based on picasso this way.
Unfortunately, I don’t like the way it works.
This should work fine in kodular. Without extra extension.
As for the picasso component, this
Does not save files in ASD. Only I’m starting to suspect it’s a bug with Kodular.
The transition animation is tricky as I have to load up to two components regularly.
It works. But the way is not right. I don’t like how it works.
Every few dozen photos also hangs while downloading and does not cause an error. So I have no way to react.
I use it continuously and the program stops the image switching animation. When I used another component it was fine so I wrote yours is weak.
I think the thread can be closed.
The bug is fixable in the new Kodular release. Or maybe something broke in my project.
I’m not going to update the application anyway.
Therefore, no further discussion is necessary.
I have already fixed the other applications that are regularly updated in the Play Store and I’m satisfied.
Everything you have written is obscure and incomprehensible. And if you think you have to determine issues with an extension, explain the problems precisely and show your blocks.
Oh, Thanks for this.
Maybe Kodular should make all the component accept the same format of file path.
like //aa.txt for assets, ~/aa.txt for private , #/aa.txt for ASD, /sdcard/aa.txt for sdcard.
of course, it also can accept the full file path.
No, because the File component is the only component that can write to the privateDir. Therefore this path (without an initial slash) is only required here. The same goes for the assets. Because this is only required for the File component to differentiate it from the privateDir.
What i mean is: all the components, not only File, but also Webview, Image, VideoPlayer, and other components need to read/write local files, they should have the same philosophy of file path like File.
take Webview as example, Webview.LoadUrl (//index.html), this should be working, no matter in companion or in Apk.