Why admob can't show and load in 2019?

Hello community, help me to solve this problem.
I have created an app which is very simple only by viewing and browsing some Scholarship websites but it cant show my ads which I have integrated within the app. What is wrong with Admob in this 2019.

Kindly see the Block down

You have to have AdMob Ads enabled from Properties, not from blocks. See they’re not loading because they aren’t turned on at the beginning, you’re trying to make the load and they cant, then after they load trying to turn them on?

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Thanks Nathan for your quick response

See everything are well set up. I have enabled the Ads but yet they can’t show up.

But before that I did try the testing ads from Kudular itself it was working properly but when I inserted my own ads then they dont show up.

I have the same problem. Admob does not load. even an app created before and uploaded to Play, if I compile it again, the new one does not load the ads.
any solution?
Thank you.

researching in the AndroidManifest.xml, if I edit it with apkstudio and delete this line, it works.

   <provider android:authorities="io.kodular.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.provider" android:exported="false" android:grantUriPermissions="true" android:name="android.support.v4.content.FileProvider">
        <meta-data android:name="android.support.FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS" android:resource="@xml/provider_paths"/>

But i do not know why…

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Only delete the provider text on the right or delete all the lines in the picture?

And works this actually now? Two months later… : |?