Why does the Phone Call component ask for call logs permission?

I have got this permission while opening the app

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I also try peter sollution & the problem also continue with play console

If I do not approve the call logs permission, I get this error:

If I install your test app PhoneCallTestKodular.apk
I get 2 requests. If I deny them I get this:

There is no READ_CALL_LOG at all.

Yes, that I already know but the question was from first beginning why does it ask and you also claimed that your app didn’t ask for it, after all the issue goes further back since MIT AI2 has the same issue and it’s fixed in there’s last release


Hi Team

The app gets empty string when phone call is started. in order to get the phone number when phone call is started with status = 1 we need phone call log permissions for 9+ versions

As suggested by @Boban MIT has fix this bug in Phone call logs nb182
I have tested app in both MIT and Kodular. It works fine in MIT ai2 as the fix is already applied on it. But i am unable to get it working in Kodular. Please find the apps blocks and permissions screenshots of comparison for your reference.


Example: MIT Build App Permissions vs Kodular Build App Permissions


Please try to fix this issue at the earliest. As my app published on playstore has stopped working.


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Have you tried adding this permission manually to the Manifest?


Do you mean… Manualy extract manifest and add and repackage?

@mannankhanabdul yes

It works fine with manual edit. Thanks @bodymindpower . However there is an other issue in Kodular. This is known issue in MIT forms - previous month they have fixed it. "Phonecall" for incoming calls - Bugs and Other Issues - MIT App Inventor Community

“The operation is text empty? cannot accept the arguments: , [ nothing ]”

I am not sure when the latest MIT fixes will be applied on kodular.


Hi, Diego

  1. When you have time… can you apply below fixes to Kodular as they are already fixed in MIT latest releases.

a. The call log permission and needs to be added to manifest as per Android 9.
b. “The operation is text empty? cannot accept the arguments: , [ nothing ]” (but is explained here: "Phonecall" for incoming calls - Bugs and Other Issues - MIT App Inventor Community )

I can wait for a week as my app has stopped working due to this Android 9 update. I will have to migrate and build MIT project update - temporary until this is resolved.

Thanks in adv


Hi, I’m still trying to get permission from Google to use the permissions of the phone component in my application, I got permission to use most permissions of the phone component but the update has been blocked because of this permission: PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS

Can this permission be revoked?
Or if there is some extension that does not need this permission?

you might want to use the activity starter like this



I’m already using this method, but a lot of users in my app want a direct call

you might want to read this blog post

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I did not exactly understand what it could help.

Can anyone build an extension that can only call a specific number directly? (So ​​that there is no request for unnecessary permissions)

nobody can do this, because Google changed the rules… and these changes are explained in the blog post I mentioned earlier


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I meant to have in the extension only an option to call, without all the other options that are in the phone component (because there are other options that need to get their own permission and I have no reason to ask the user to confirm these permissions). And it’s not that it’s not possible to upload the app to the store with these permissions, just need to get approval from Google. And because the phone component requests more permissions that are not used in the app, then the application is blocked (as I said, I received approval for most of the permissions of the phone component except one - which I do not need).

Extension for it (It only needs CALL_PHONE permission) :


Thank you!