Why kodular admob ads not showing?

Anyone please help me. my ads not showing in kodular app but same adunit id works fine on appybuilder and thunkable.

You are new try to search the community for the answers

i searched on the community but still not working

Have you published your app on google play store???

If you searched the community you should have learned at least that you should show your blocks and that there is an amazing guide that help a lot at finding the problem ( Admob Ads, working or not? ) and that there is an alternative method to use admob too, just search for it.

Don’t forget anyone can see how much time you spent at the community and how many topics you saw. And it is just 17min and 5 topics.

noo… not published

i tried with alternate method using enhance extension. real admob ads working fine on other platforms but not kodular. only test ads are working.

Try to publish on Google play store. Then see your ads​:wink:

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I publish my app in play store but ads is not showing only at night time

Its not a kodular bug


Then is it admob bug?

Keep patience! Or contact Admob team