Width percentage

all latters of label are not showing
when i changes widh of spaces around label
i used percentage
blocks (75)
arrangements (1).aia (1.9 KB)

Pls tell elaborate more, give us the screenshot of the result, and the designer part. Most people don’t have time to check your aia.

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Now I have added screenshot

Are the spaces in an arregenment aligned to the left?

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Please explain, what you want to do actually?

Align horizontal to Centre

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You must Explain,what did you want to do exactly. Then users can help to solve your problem.

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i want small margine on one side of label and big margine on onother side
and vice versa
same used in whatsapp

Post a screenshot

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Already posted…

Screenshot of the

I am talking about, screenshot from whatsapp where he saw that thing he want to create it.

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Margin or spaces used in either side of label

For that you must use chat view component.
Use this guide if you wnat to make chat app

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but i am not making chat app
how to solve this using blocks

You can set label text from blocks by using join text block.

Join your label text with space and so on.
Like this:


thanks but
there is only one label and Spaces( component) arrounnd it
want to set space width

It’s obvious that not all letters will show when you’re giving 50% of the screen to space2 (right)… That’s why all letters are pushed to left side.

Just use small number of percentages for little spaces.
Also, it’d be better to use px instead of percentage in your required case.

For example, 5px for left and 15px for right space. (These are just for your understanding. You can change according to your needs.)

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Thanks to all
Now I am solve it
By using cardview instead of Horizontal arrangement
And instead of using space both side of label
I set padding of cardview as requirements to create margane
And it’s works perfect

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