Write separately on 2 buttons with 1 list view

hello I would like to know how to write from listview on a button and from the same list on another button, thank you

when I click on a button1 I open listview, then by pressing in the list the text goes to button 1, then I click on button2 I open the list and when I click on the list the text goes to button2

have you tried anything so for?

you use 2 listview, that I managed to do it, I want to use only one listview, with 2 buttons

So from the above example, you disnt get the idea right…

Well, then try like this

In the designer part untick the visible option for listview

thank you for your answer, in fact I use listview image and text , and I is not of selection.
I tried this, but it doesn’t work

I did a test with your model it works very well, but me with listview image, I have an error message: Property setter was expecting a com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Button component but got a String instead

Your query must be clear to one and all…


If you have tried anything share us your complete blocks as i shared with you… First post says listvew, after the reply tellin list view with image , also in your block you have not post when any button clicked event… Here i have only two buttons so it is working properly but in your app, in this screen you may have multiple button if so you need to stop malfunctions of other button click just by adjusting bloks like this
image hn

thank you its working

hello I created a clickable label for a search, when the text is found it goes well on the first button and when I do another search it always goes on the first button and not on the second

Share me a sample aia with all sample details stored in a variable

Test_listview_2buttons.aia (3.9 MB)

I redid a simpler one without airtable

i clicked label G, i saw the listview and i clicked randomly and the clicked value printed in the clicked label… and the same repeates for label D also… they what you expect (as per your first post it works well, Do you expect something more than that?)

yes with the search it only works on the G label and I would also like on the D label, thank you

so did you succeed for the search label?

I found I created different labels one for G and one for D and it works, if you had another method it would be welcome, thank you

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