Writing in internal phone storage

Yes, that’s how it should be.

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With Android 11 at the latest, this must also be implemented by Kodular, since then the ASD (but also now under Android 10) is of outstanding importance.

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Thanks a lot :relaxed:
But can you tell me what is the path for the ASD and how to copy files after downloading :smile:

I’ve already shown in this thread, but again:


Thanks for your help :heart_eyes:

Why i don’t use the Move block instead of copy and delete ?


Of course, that should also work. Try it.

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And when i want to read from TXT file with this block while the file is in the private directory i just write its name without / or private directory path, right ?
component_method (1)

What’s wrong here @bodymindpower ?
It don’t work :sweat:


use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools

does it work after building the app?

you also might want to reduce the redundancy in the blocks…
DRY - Don’t repeat yourself


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