YAIL compiler - D8 execution failed

please when compile apk or aab found error
YAIL compiler - D8 execution failed.

please help

it is bug in kodular

It is not a kodular error, it is telling you that it cannot be compiled due to problems in your project, but since you do not follow the publication rules and do not want to provide more details, I doubt anyone can help you. good luck with that

thank you for your post , I use extensions may be that make error
I use this extension

my project make APK , it installed on phone but can not open
when make aab show me this message [YAIL compiler - D8 execution failed]

Probably 2 extensions are using the same library?
What happens, if you remove one of the Generate_Pdf extensions?


that problem cause u have much componet …try reduce component

Most probably.
Qr extensions might be the reason as well.

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Are you using 4 PDF extensions? How many blocks does your project have, this error appeared on occasions when using many extensions and approximately 15k blocks, there came a point where if I added just one more block the error would appear

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I will try use one extension

i removed all component one by one but same problem

i change project it work

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