You must have account hold and restore implemented in your app

In my google play console account showing this message

Changes to subscription settings

You must have account hold and restore implemented in your app by November 1, 2020. Subscription pause and resubscribe will also be enabled by default, unless you explicitly opt out.

What is this and what i need to changes. if anyone know about this please info.

It is related to In-App Subscriptions.

If you have In-App Billing in your App you are shown this message. Ignore this if you don’t have any subscriptions in your app.

I don’t have in app purchase but have paid apps. than any changes need ?

I use other payment gateway in my app , but don’t depend on google billing and don’t have google billing api included in my application can I ignore this message from google or need to make some modification in application.

I have kept UPI payment and Razorpay transaction gateway. Those updates are rejected. can i ignore this message?

Whether you have a paid app or in-app purchases or you use any external payment gateway you will not face any issues unless you have any subscription model from Google Play Billing.

Today 6 Play Console BOTS raided the app and they were checking the implementation of Google Play Billing. If they didn’t found the new events mentioned in the Play Console warning they intimated the team and error was thrown.

For Now, Just ignore it, Kodular team will update the Google Play Billing SDK in the future on their server and may add the required events. After that, the warning will pass

Now just Relax, in case you have any subscriptions wait for the Kodular Team to update their servers by the Deadline of Nov 1, 2020

You should be aware of the fact that Google explicitly forbids to use external payment gateways in its new billing policy and enfroces the app providers to use Google Play’s billing system. S. the following link: