YouTube Player Is Not Working

how can i initialize at a particular time?


Use some logics. When you want to load video after how many seconds?

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ok ok, got it

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Youtube have a code to do that
YouVideoID&t=12 Video start at 12 seconds
YouVideoID&t=1169 Video start at 19:29 seconds
I don’t test if this work on Kodular Youtube Player, but work in browser


Whats about this

@Xoma @bestprintsf


Yeah !!! you right but Youtube player don’t work after creator update to 1.4C.5 and companion not updated yet !!!
When companion update i test this " YouVideoID&t=1169 Video start at 19:29 seconds " if this work i can reduce my block …

I don’t think it will work

OK let me try but if it doesn’t work (I’ll post it here)

After all this time that we pointed you to the right block and you still didn’t get it…

Use this one Youtube Player - Kodular Docs

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