Youtube player problem

I made a app in which i had 5 screens and its size was 8.4 mb and then after i removed 3 screens then also my app size didn’t reduced .

Did you also delete some assets? The assets make the aia big, not so the screens.

No i didnt refer to aia i refer to apk . and i dont have much assets onley 4 or 5

How big are those?

all assets combined 20kb

What is so special about your app. A lot of blocks? Ads?

An empty baked Kodular apk without anything is 4,4 MB. So you must have special components or extensions inside.

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I made an app using youtube player component . And I want to publish my app on play store . Will google publish my app . Is that player authorised by google .

Your youtube player component doesn’t work with time sensor . On screen initialize I set time enabled to true and when timer do then instant load video id . But it didn’t worked . But when I set on button click instant load then it worked fine . What’s the problem . Help me .