A Request by Vaibhav Pathak on Notification Component

Hello my name is Vaibhav Pathak and today I am going to do first request to the Kodular Community.
I want to say that i want some new feature in the inbuilt Notification component

  1. Button in Notification

  2. On Button Click Function

So, I request to all the users who are reading this post plz vote this and like and i know that in the another version which is going to release ( :sweat_smile: I do not Know the time) have this new features.

:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: Vote and Vote

  • I Want
  • No

0 voters

You don’t need to create a poll, there’s already a vote button above the title of your topic.


Plz vote bro