About File tools path

Hello can any one help me …i am using filetools extension…when i am giving file path…(file:///storage/emulator/o/files/) then its working correctly in companion …bt when i am giving file path (file:///file/) and exporting in apk then it not working

So can any one help me .what will be complete path of my folder … folder is in phone storage

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

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@Taifun Thank you for showing interest to helping me i got the solution of this…bt again i got another problem …
I am using in app PDF viewer so the file path working correctly in app pdf viewer …but when i am using same file path to external pdf viewer then it showing file not found

This thread is about File tools path…

You said, you found the solution, then please reveal it, so others also get the answer to the question…

And for other questions please start a new thread Thank you


@Taifun nothing is to reveal actually its my mistake that’s why it not working before …in companion i am using file path


Bt when i am exporting my project then i changed file path this

File:///file/. Or fille:///storage/file/. Which is not complete path

So i know this after that file path will be same in companion and when we going to export. This is silly mistake which took my 2 days

My main problems is now that my pdf file which is in my app download folder how it will open to other pdf (external app) app…i am using deephost both extension in app pdf viewer and pdf viewer…

In app pdf viewer (it open pdf in our app) working perfectly while i am giving file path File:///storage/emulator/0/files/

Bt pdf viewer (it call external pdf app). This file path not working.

So @Taifun can u help me what will be file path for open file external pdf…i saw fille://mnt/ what it means and if i add mnt then it will work or not

Or can you can help me to open my file by external app because i read many comments that activity starter not working after exporting app …so is any other method which can open my file external pdf app

You don’t include file:// in file paths. just one slash at the beginning and that’s it.

Thanks :relaxed: i will try this …
thanks again for helping me…,