About writing an appinventor installation

hi i want to update an app i made in appinventor and then rewrote in kodular. There is a way that when updating automatically delete the previously created app and install the new one made in kodular. They asked for my English so bad, I hope I understand, thank you.

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Can you describe your issue a bit more.

I made an app in appiventor, I passed it in apk and several friends installed it. I met kodular and passed my projects to kodular. But when my friends reinstall the app made in kodular, they still have the app made in appinventor on their cell phones. There is a way that during the installation of the latter I delete the old app made with appinventor.

this is called update
you have to use the same Google login and same project name in Kodular to get the same package name, then increment version name and version code in the settings of Screen1… also you might want to import your keystore from App Inventor as mentioned already by @Enderman before building the app


Thanks @Taifun