About Youtube Component

previously i had embedded youtube video in html file and used it in my app and it was blocked by playstore. if i use youtube component will my app will be blocked or ?

No, it will not be blocked but you cannot use ads with youtube player. It’s against the policies of Google.

you mean i cant monetize my app with youtube component ?

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you can monetize your app but not that screen which contains YouTube component…

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is there any other way to use youtube video because i am using single screen for my app

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What type of App you are making. So that we can help you…

its a tutorial app it would be better if i use youtube video and need to monetize too . And i am using facebook audience for monetization.

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If you are using YouTube component in an app with ads google will suspend your app. If you are using arrangements then you can monetize your app. But be aware that dont use ads in that arrangement where the YouTube component you are using only use in other arrangements…

okk thank you