Accessing images stored as assets

not for me… ? Still replaces the original pic with nothing

Now I get a Permission Denied Error

Did you give read/write permissions for external storage as indicated in the details for the file extension?


This extension is related to the file component.
Required permissions: android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

Hi, I read the file extension doc and didn’t see anything about permissions.

Please can you show me how to grant permissions


(this will give both read and write permissions)

Now Im really getting annoyed.

It doesn’t complain but it STILL doesn’t insert the new picture

Q1. Sould I write kodular or AppInventor?

Q2. Is EXTERNAL storage correct?

What if I dont have an SD Card???

These blocks work for me in companion on Android 11 device

They do not work for a compiled app, because you have to feed the ASD to the storage location and the image path.

I have no idea what you are talking about…

I need it for a compiled app so what else do I need to do???

Im so lost :slight_smile:

Any help withe ASD

@Avraham_Yerachmielbenzvi in your response here…

I recognize that in your path, you have “kodular.” There was a name change back in 2018, however the folder name never got switched. Use “Makeroid” instead.

Android will rewrite your path without telling you…

Thank you, Ive just done it.
Lets see :slight_smile:

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This is all you need (Companion & APK):

Note: This will no longer work for new apps when Kodular targets Android 11 (Aug 2021) with Android ≥ 10.

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Thank you very very much

Really appreciate your help

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Hi Tim

Is there a limit as to how many instances of the FILE EXT you can use in an app. (im using x 10)

Beyond 3 and noting works even though I’ve checked and rechecked my code dozens of times


and each instance has one of these

blocks (75)

blocks (76)


Please can you look at my last reply in this thread

Everything you said worked 100% up to the fourth instance and after that it failed.

I have a feeling it might be the size of the memory or the extension or anything

I’m using x 10 instances but it fails

Any help appreciated

Why do you need 10 instances of one extension? Just use one.

Also your blocks are wrong


I don’t understand what you are referring to…

The value woont be empty. It will either have a “0” or a "1"

It works for the first three instances and not after that

why would three (3) work and not 4 +?

If I re-use the same instance the program fails on compile

What doesn’t work? Are the images not copied?
If so, then there is something wrong with your blocks.