Ad limits keep popping up on my new accounts

I am very worried about one thing, I can use the advertisement of start app along with advertisement of admob in my app, my question is should I put advertisement of other company with advertisement of admob in my app,

I am asking this question because my father, mother, my admob account have got ad limit, what could be the reason for all this,

can you share that app in which you used admob ads as well as start app ads?

Are you doing something illegal?


If you not use Admob App Id in Application then Ads Limit applied on your Admob Account .Yet kodular not support App Id۔

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It will even happen if you generate fake clicks / large amount of impressions on your own app. Please read their privacy policy and check if you are doing any of them. Using multiple ad networks is allowed. Even their, mediation feature ( Compares CPM value of ads and places the highest value ads of other networks too) does that. If you are using your app, Create an adfree version of it or include your device as test device in admob.

You can navigate to settings and add your device(s) to avoid this in future.

Ig he is talking about the Policy Center in the Admob dashboard. I have 3 apps developed in Kodular with admob implemented and nothing happened like this.

can you tell me how to enter admob app id in kodular app

It is not supported in Kodular right now. Maybe It will be added later.

Is this the reason for admob ad limit

Did you read the above?

No, I have 3 apps using admob (Made with Kodular) and I didn’t get any limits. It may be because you’re not following their rules ( Privacy Policy ).