Ad manager Interstitial Ad

Why is there no block for when.interstitialad1.closed . Play Store is not allowing to show ad on screen open. It allows only when the action is done and after action very new activity should open.

So why you show the ads screen opening?

Hello there,

I think putting an ad on app launch, loading screen, or exiting may result violation. Please refer to the following official guide for Google Ad

Instead, I suppose you should try to implement the ad between page content (but do not show it too often) or stages, if you are working on a game.

Best regards!

How to show interstitial ads of Ad manager?

Even in there no close or loaded control blocks. Because of this, play Store rejected app. What can I do can you help?

Please checkout again! Ad manager, There are ad closed option is available!


After any Action(Button)

Look here there no option available
Neither in interstitial nor in reward

Yes there are not ad closed block! I Don’t know why…ask kodular team!

When you close the ad what action will be done? According to play console when the ads closes new activity should open not the same screen should open.

Yes It’s work! When the click closed then ads are close

Otherwise, your app will be rejected. Because if you add interstitial on button click, wheat next activity should you do next?

Same screen and same action…i set the ads show when download complete! And close ads,and open download view layout

Very funny dear but we are paying 25$ to play console. So for the beginners this amount is very much. We should abide by the Play console rules.

Show me blocks

When the user downloaded any file then show the ads! And open new activity of downloaded file view in App! Thats it’s… And listview item click to show ads and open new screen!

After 1 year,no issues with me

But how will you use after