Add Donation buttons...Please

I was wondering if you guys at kodular could add donation buttons such as PayPal button or cryptocurrency (I don’t use it nor I don’t know how it would work but you get the picture) or in-app donation button…It would be nice to see this feature in the next update of kodular.

Hi @DevyChicken. It’s nice to see you here again!

Regarding the feature request, are you talking about a button to donate to Kodular? If so, such a button already exists in the Creator (next to the documentation button in the top right).
We have a PayPal account which you can donate to, and also a Patreon page where you can support us from.

If you’re referring to a donate button for your app (where you collect donations from your users), then the In-App Billing component is perfect for your needs.
Your users will be able to buy a virtual commodity (which represents their donation) and you will receive the proceeds.

Hope this helps. If your feature request is about something else, please tell us more about it so that we can take a look and possibly implement it in the Creator.

Happy Koding!


Thanks for the answer, I’ll make sure to donate to you guys at kodular


Thank you for your support!
Our donors also get a fancy badge in the Community. Do keep an eye out for it​:grinning:


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