Adding links to AboutScreen

Hi all! How can i add clickable links to the About App?
Because i want to use the android robot in my app logo. Google wrote this here about using it:

Android robot
The green Android robot can be reproduced and/or modified as long as the following Creative Commons attribution line is included in the creative:
"The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License."
The color value for print is PMS 376C and the online hex color is #A4C639. You may not file trademark applications for or claim trademark rights to the Android robot logo or any derivatives thereof. Google retains all trademark rights to the Android robot. We want to ensure that the Android robot remains available for all to use.

So i think i should link the license. I tried with
<a href="">Creative Commons</a>
But the link is still not clickable.
Please help!


We’ll try this.

Thank you so much!

I enabled now the option for that what you want.
As example you can use after next component release following:

<a href="">Go to Google</a>

Then you will have a clickable link in the About screen dialog.
Hope you like it.


Is it also possible with the Notifier component?

Current not.
I can try it tomorrow

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Thanks! That’s what I wanted!

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Just try the same for what you did to get the About Dialog one for the Notifier… Remember, the smart ones make great things, you made the Notifier so you know it, and us Makers make great apps! That’s all of Makeroid.

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I think I know really good what I have to do^^
And btw I added it for notifier already now.

Available after next component release.