Why to show this notification… ? whereas my app is live available on Google play store. Would i have to approved…? And how to Approve publish already App on Google play store.
Is the version installed in your device from generated apk or downloaded from Google Play Store?
Apps will show ads only if they have been downloaded from Google Play Store.
The message tells you that your app has not been approved for showing ads.
Go to https://account.kodular.io/cpanel/creator/admob and request for approval.
Try to search before creating a new topic.
I’m already requested for Approval…But Show this massege.
An app which is on Google Play Store does not need to be approved by us!
Now how to request Approval for Ads.
You didn’t answer this question
If you install Pp from APK not installed from play store will show that error, but if you install your app from the play store only then it will shows ads without approval…
Tip: try searching community
If your app is currently published on Google Play Store or you intend to publish it, it’s not necessary to ask for its approval. That’s it!
If your app is on Play Store than it does not needs approval but for that you have to download your app directly from Play Store not from APK.
And it seems that you have installed app from APK file.