Admob extension

It’s Simple…

Create an account in Google Ad Manager
Go to Kodular - My Account - Payment - Click on the 1st box
You will receive an email on your registered email ID

Click and give authorization to Kodular of your Google Ad Manager (Kindly read all the policy)

Now come to Kodular and fill the tax info.

All set.

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@useramitkr I just updated the app store today with my app ad manager, but there are no ads.

Which is better? “Admob” or "Google Ad Manager?"

There’s a lot of people saying that "Google Ad Manager" gives smaller eCPM than Admob?

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When will you stop to spam the forum with your admob whining posts?

Isn’t Kodular’s business model open and transparent on this AdManager things ?


I believe Kodular should form a team of ProKoders or community members that spend the majority of their time serving the community, and ask them what they think of the new improvements, discuss Kodular’s future and debate on improvements on their business strategy.


Unfortunately, when someone expresses his opinion, one of the moderators appears to respond in a condescending manner to users and say that you are using Kodular for free and not the right to discuss and they delete the comments

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Many of these questions have previously been answered in other threads. It is your first responsibility to see if your question has already been answered.

Also, rather than suppressing any legitimate criticism, it is preferable to foster a positive relationship between the user and the service provider. Not only do you profit from Kodular, but Kodular benefits from you as well.

You should have right to criticize the things constructively.

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This is correct, but there are certain users who keep spamming the forum by complaining about the same thing over and over. It’s gets boring and is really quite childish.


Now it is no longer free and the platform has become bad in updates and handling as well