I am just asking this question just for my curiosity knowing that there is no longer an AdMob Unit exists and want to know everyone’s opinion on it.
Which is better for us. Admob+Facebook or AdManager+ Facebook.
Based on
Revenue Generation
Easy to Use and Implement in Apps
Flexibility of Data
Good for beginners
Also, advice on eCPM and Problems faced by professionals will be greatly admired
Thanks to everyone who will answer
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May 23, 2022, 12:47pm
eCPM is lower in Admanager. AdMob is Greater
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(Nageh Tharwat)
May 23, 2022, 2:19pm
Admob is the best of course
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Watch eCPM and fill Rate you are getting right now on Ad Manger
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May 24, 2022, 1:28am
the admanager banner is too big. Almost 5/1 of the screen. This issue should be fixed months ago. But never done.
Why does Kodular prefer on Ad Manager, that Admob is the best fit for all?
The explanation is Simple
Kodular is a software-based company, and thus needs a regular source of revenue for its survival.
As it was not getting this revenue from Admob thus it chooses Ad Manager over AdMob.
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They get like 8%-10% revenue right?
No, I think it’s around 20%
But hay let’s face it. If they are providing service, a 20% Charge is very reasonable.
besides they need to improve eCPM like admob
May 24, 2022, 11:41am
From what I’ve observed, AdMob was much better! As I understand it, we can’t do anything in the AdManager console or if we don’t know what’s missing in the configuration to see the performances, the reports gave all the information in the AdMob console. The kodular report is very basic!
If it is possible, does anyone have a tutorial on how to work with apps in AdManager??