Ads also in background

and it will effect you app and ads account also, because its a web view app and you have set ads for every second, that’s against the policy of ads and play store

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I did that for the test and not for a publication, when my app will be published it will have an ad every 4 minutes, do not worry about this point. If you want me to change your time immediately it’s fine but it will be harder for the test

yes its loading ads for every second and after pausing app show all ads which called before,

Try using this extension: [PAID] New extension to check if app runs in background or in Foreground - #ThunkableClassicExtensions - Community

I do not have enough money to pay, but if you could find free extensions I’ll thank you

someone has a .aia or .apk file that works ??

Didn’t get any solution yet?

No Unfortunately

Unfortunately I can’t even install and check your app… Package installer crashes whenever I try to install your app. (Android 8.1)

it’s weird, if you have a method to display Admob ads I would like, because I think the problem comes from startapp

So try these blocks:

they’re free​:wink:

it works now, thank you all for your help :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:


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