[Free] Advance PDF Creator : Encrypt / Decrypt PDF , ImageToPDF , WebViewToPDF , Print PDF etc

it uses Itext library.

I’m not using the read and write permission, however I use the share component. When the pdf is created the user manually exports it wherever he wants. So far I haven’t had any problems, it’s a great option to not use permission.



Hello Shreya! I am unable to understand that have can i select image from gallery for converting into pdf can you please help me

@Awais_Khan1 Can you show the blocks for getting image from gallery and which android version you have ?

please help me in constructing correct blocks

You cannot get the gallery image from ASD.

You should use file picker or a direct path of image

When i want to make pdf from layout, it will be show file not found error in some mobiles.

Can tell the android version of those devices?

You should use ASD (app-specific-directory)

I try ASD, but it also not work

Show full blocks @Danny_Richard

Great effort my friend :clap: :clap: @Shreyaa
I am trying to create a multi-page pdf but it’s not working

Can you show the full blocks



Did you want to say that your layout is coming half in pdf file ?

If yes then, the layout view is not fully visible the pdf only has the visible part of layout.

You can try other blocks like html or web view ( you can also hide the web view and it will still create the pdf from the hidden web view in screen)

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This is correct, table is scrollable

how can i use web view to view tableview ?? :roll_eyes:

It not said that tabe view to web view.

I mean you can create a HTML code dynamically and convert code to pdf or load HTML file in web view to create pdf.

But i can create the block to create pdf from scrollable view.

I need some time!

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This will be cool and better @Shreyaa

Creating pdf from table view will be great and very useful also :pray:

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This is my full block shreya, when screen initialize i use request storage of your extention but error has same