Advanced Chat App with Firebase (Unsupported)

Wow, its a great app, but when I want to take a look to the blocks, my PC wil explode.

Idk why that’s happening, I have 12 GB of RAM and it’s overloaded by only 5 action blocks.

I suggest you try switching web browser. To my experience some loads big projects more efficiently than others.

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Switching? I don’t understand

For example try Kodular inside Microsoft Edge, Chrome, FireFox or any other one until you find whats best suited for you.

Kodular works better with Mozilla Firefox. It doesn’t work well at all with Google Chrome.

Also, instead of “Add Friend” change it to “Friend Request” in the app. That sounds a bit more sensible.

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I need chat app for chat with my frnd . Please send aia fast . Just only firebase detail pest and chatting started not for earning .

:cold_sweat:ALL CODER help please as soon as possible

A little solution to fix infinite loading screen is enable email authentication from firebase


I am unsure how to compile the app with my own Firebase information