After images save how to show image in gallery?

in my image editor application image success save in file but not show in galley

i use this tainfun extetion block but not working for me.


use file component of kodular to save images to a particular folders like>internal storage>Image-editor>


I think you have not read my question properly.

image show in file manager but not show in gallery its my problem.

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Where do you save the images?


Are you sure that if that folder doesn’t contains a file called .nomedia ?

yes i save file name without ‘.’ i
i know use . for hide

Which gallery app are you using? Did you tested with another gallery apps?

mi redmi official gallery

Can you try to restart your device? Maybe it is because of cahce etc.

after every image i gone to restat my phone :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Can you try to delete gallery’s cahce from Settings > Apps ?

Don’t think this will work




i try this but not working
try with file:///

One hour ago I tried this component and it worked at my end, provide us with a demo aia so we can see what and how you are doing it


Try this apk if it works


thank you so much to all

i use file:/// so its not working but i remove file:/// and use full path like /storage/emulated/0/ImageEditor/imsge.png is working fine.

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