hello guys,
i need help to get multiple js id values at once, but now i only get 1 value
As I can see you are only showing one result in Label2
yes, but when i get another return value, it conflict and can’t be loaded
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how to get the return values separately and display in 2 different labels
Save them to 2 global Variables.
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KUCASINOV2.aia (121.1 KB)
can you help me do it
I will check it
As i can check this js document.getElementById("AccountID").value;
returning null
which means data we are finding in the website not available there.
this I’m thinking how to get 2 data fields at once for 2 separate labels
This block only allows to return 1 data field, if adding 1 at 2, it will return null
It’s not returning anything for me.
are you have telegram? invite me @bestnotop1
you can’t get more than 1 result with this code! you need different code to get multiple results
do you have any solution to get multiple results ?