in the application editor itself the player works, but if you compile the application, then this error appears. I did not touch the blocks, the blocks are correct
use logcat to find out what’s going on
Dear Taifyn, I don’t have time to look for logs etc. I pointed out to the owners of Kodular one of the errors after updating the apk build server. Whether to fix this error or not is purely their personal business. The platform is already rapidly falling down.
good luck with this attitude…
I am also facing the same problem.
Use logcat to find out what’s going on
Instead of logcat, I made this simple test apk and I am still getting same error. The player works if I upload the video in assets but fails if the source is an url.
I searched in the community about this and came across this thread which had the same problem back in 2017.
Nothing useful since kodular update, lots of bugs, maybe it’s best to gradually abandon this platform, Disappointing.