After We Make Apps With Kodular can We Access it Directly using Chrome?

Im already searching about my topic but I cant found anything usefull for me. Forgive me if this thread repeated from another thread and please give the link for me.

What I want to ask is… If we already make APK using Kodular can We access it directly from browser ? I want try make android apps and thats app can be accessed too from desktop browser or pc. So user can use it with smartphone or dekstop (pc). Sorry if my english is bad. Thanks for help

Hi, With Kodular, you make apps for Android OS only(currently). In order to run your app on pc you’ll need to use Android emulator.

And you can’t run Android apps directly in browsers.

I see, thanks for answer

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Just a word of warning be carefull with the android emulators, I downloaded one to use and brought a virus onto my computer

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