AIA Marketplace - A very unique aia store for kodular app developers
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My aim is to make apps easier, faster and reliable with world class UI designs.
aia marketplace provide paid & free aia & extensions files for kodular.
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Minimal UI Design Free and Paid files Demo APK download (Test before download/buy aia) Early access (coming soon) Weekly/monthly sales and discounts Easy to use Secure login with Google Custom and fully featured menubar Report abuse any project. and many more…
Yes Please,
I’ve used this block here using FloatingActionView extension
I simply used Vertical Arrangement and renamed it to NAV. and then used a lot of components inside nav component to design it, like cardview, label, image and many more vertical & horizontal components.
the first 2 images (in desc above), I got from other website . but rest of the things I make my own.
for most of my work like for logo, ic-launcher image, icons & screenshots, I use Adobe XD
I also noticed this.
and it only does that when u relaunch this app straight away after you close it.
otherwise works fine for me very well.