Hello everyone.
I’m making an app, and its purpose is to make a “virtual line” for people.
It must get the person’s identifier (a number that will be stablished further) and store it at airtable at the next row (if the previous one is occupied).
One of the requirements of this app is to obtain the amount of elements in a column of airtable, but I’m not being able to do it, can somebody help me?
tamanhoLista is the variable that will store the amount of elements in the column before it to append the next person in the line.
I’m using the SetCell procedure to append the person to the table. Having the amount of elements in the line, I only need to put the person identifier at the cell of index (amountOfElements + 1).
Can somebody help me to obtain this amount of elements?
I really don’t know why it doesn’t work.
When i click on the button, the app doesn’t do anything.
I’ve tested it with the column empty and with 3 values, but it doesn’t do anything.