Airtable spreadsheet - not able to get CSV of the table

Hello everyone,

I have this table in Airtable:

I want to display this table in List View or in a table (by using 3rd party extension).

The problem being here is, that the only method I can get all the table’s entries is by using this:

The output of Get All Rows is not CSV.

How can I get the CSV table from Airtable? I need the output to be in CSV format to display the table correctly.

Thank you.

From the lists’ blocks:

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Thank you @Fabio but this does not work.

This is the output that I am able to get with Get All Rows:

Then, when I get a response from Get All Rows, I use these blocks:

But, as you can see, the list to csv table list component does not recognize the response Content to be in CSV format.

When these blocks are called, it gives me this error:

Since the image seems to be very small in here, it basically says this:
The operation list to csv table cannot accept the arguments: get response Content

Any other suggestions are highly appreciated :slight_smile:

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Get all rows return json .


Yeah, so it seems that I am able to Decode JSON by using the Web component and it’s Decode JSON block.

Nonetheless, it does not show multiple columns in the output but interprets it as a single column. I will open another thread for this issue since the original question has been answered.

Thank you both :slight_smile:

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