Allow Viber, Whatsapp and telegram sharing in webview

Dear Friends,

I went through the posts on this community and found few posts about allowing whatsapp sharing in webview but i was unable to apply all of them.
I have a website has sharing buttons for viber, whatsapp and telegram.
when i’m trying to share a post through the webview i’m getting ‘‘net::ERR_UKNOWN_URL_SCHEME’’

and the urls are:
Whatsapp: whatsapp://send?text=.%20

Telegram: tg:msg_url?

Viber: viber://forward?text%2

Here are my blocks

Thanks in advance.

If webviewer provides Error Occurred event then you can do it easily.
Get the URL when this error code is thrown and open the respective app with activity starter.

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Sorry, i’m new to this, could you please explain to me deeply how i can make it happen.
i have added the activity starter to the screen but i have no idea how to start the next steps.


Dear Friends,

Sorry for posting my comment again, but i have no idea from where to start to achieve the above.
I appreciate if you can help me here.

Maybe you should learn the basics of Kodular first.

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