Alternative to cloudinary?

I need to store some short videos of about 30 seconds, I am using Cloudinary, but the free quota is very low, the next paid level also keeps a low quota and it is not cheap. Any alternative that you suggest?

a single device, with 3 days of moderate use

If on average each device consumes 1 credit/day, even so, the maximum plan of 1350 credits is not enough for more than 40/50 devices. or I’m wrong?

You can use gdrive or mega

Amzon S3 is also a good option. Cloudinary uses S3 internally.
Cloudinary mainly focuses on Image optimization and transformation while S3 is solely dedicated to storage.

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I read that can integrate more than 30 storage platforms, but before evaluating this step, it would be good to understand this demand, are we talking about 50 devices uploading mini videos daily? How long do these videos need to be available for? Is speed an important factor or just storage?

Li que o pode integrar mais de 30 plataformas de armazenamento, mas antes de avaliar esse passo, seria bom entender essa demanda, estamos falando de 50 aparelhos upando mini vídeos diariamente? Esses vídeos precisam estar disponíveis por quanto tempo? A velocidade é um fator importante ou só o armazenamento?

How much storage and monthly bandwidth do you require? You can use Sirv, which starts from $19 for 5 GB storage and 30 GB bursted CDN bandwidth. Or request a custom plan to meet your needs.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I continue to evaluate the proposed options.

Nothing is free in the world!

You need domain and hostinger this is better way i use this always :slightly_smiling_face:

Go with blogger just upload image in post and copy url… done… also you will get unlimited bandwidth…

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