Android 11 - copy files from ASD to external folder

Hi, I am trying to copy some PDF files from ASD to external storage in android 11 without any success. I had tried any kind of extensions but no one give me a real solution.
Do you have a solution to solve this problem?
I had tried too with SAF but really I dont understand how it works.
Searching for a solution I had read android developer solutions, and they said that if the app had created the file, the same app can open it and call it, but I am trying to take the PDF file created by the same app and the message error is: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory), but the path is the right one.

I had expended hundred of hours trying to solve this problem without success, can you help me please?

As I told you already via PM show your relevant blocks.

this are the blocks to create the PDF file:

and this ones are the blocks to take the file and upload to a webserver:

I had tried a lot of different addresses to find the file, but always the error message appears, that the file is not found (open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory), but the path is the right one.), I think is because android >10 refuse the permittion to read the files.

hope I explained it easy.

I never used the FTP.UploadFile component. But it probably needs an absolute or full path:

/storage/emulated/0/... (absolute path) or
file:///storage/emulated/0/... (full path)

I think the KIO4_Pdf the extension has a getASD block (which returns the absolute path of the ASD).

I had tried with any type of path and the result is the same:

the system android 11 doesn´t give the chance to find the file

that´s why I am trying to copy the PDF file to an external directory to can take the file and upload to the server

I’ll have a look at this tomorrow. It’s getting late here.
It shouln’t be a bug deal.

thanks a lot ANKE but now it works!!


as you said the path has to be complete!!

thanks so much!!

You should NOT hard-code the ASD.
As I said use the getASD block.

Otherwise it won’t work with the APK.

Where can i found the extension i check kio4 pdf extension but there was not this block available. Please help me

Download latest version from Create Build Crear App Inventor Extensiones Extensions Crear PDF. Leer PDF.


i tried this
it return false


then i tried this

it return false


Now please anyone tell me how can i get path please

see the answer here
