Android API 31 or Higher

What is the name of your app?

App alcaldía más cerca

Describe your app:

The app Alcaldía Más Cerca help people who live or are passing through at El Carmen de Viboral in Colombia to send requests or request help from the police, for the pink line to help women, request help from the fire department, report a hole in the road, a public lighting in poor condition and much more


App Store/Download link:


I try send a update for Play Store and have this problem:
The app must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher. How can I solved it?

Could you create some change that allows it to have full compatibility? Or are these APIs available in the paid version of Kodular? (If necessary then we could start paying for the PRO version, because our app helps many people and we want to be able to continue helping) We created the app during Covid-19 for humanitarian aid, delivery of vaccines, delivery of food to people in need and now we can help many people thanks to our app

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Google Play Console, I am getting an error about target api level 31