Google Play Console, I am getting an error about target api level 31

When I want to upload the app to Google Play Console, I am getting an error.

Screenshot Check

You are targeting android 11 it says you should target android 13.

android 10 is given in kodular so what to do

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Min sdk is different from target sdk…

As Kodular still is not sdk 33 ready, you can extend the deadline like this



There is an error uploading the app
Check This ScreenShot

Check this answer



App must target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher

How to fix
“Your highest non-compliant target API level is Android 12 (API level 31).”

I have a problem can you help me
I have 3 applications created in kodular I am a premium user and they must be API 33 oriented android 13

When do you send the new SDK API 33 update to Kodular ?

Everyone have the same issue with sdk33 update and we waiting kodular staff confirmation about that, my suggest you can search the topics about converted sdk33 manually maybe it’s help you.

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There really is no need to convert manually
Just extend the deadline like this


I found a way to update to api level 34 (android 14). API level 34 is the latest version. this method is working properly. I published my new app update yesterday. Now it is live on play store. follow this video. (select “API level 34” as the target api level)

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What is the name of your app?

App alcaldía más cerca

Describe your app:

The app Alcaldía Más Cerca help people who live or are passing through at El Carmen de Viboral in Colombia to send requests or request help from the police, for the pink line to help women, request help from the fire department, report a hole in the road, a public lighting in poor condition and much more


App Store/Download link:


I try send a update for Play Store and have this problem:
The app must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher. How can I solved it?

Could you create some change that allows it to have full compatibility? Or are these APIs available in the paid version of Kodular? (If necessary then we could start paying for the PRO version, because our app helps many people and we want to be able to continue helping) We created the app during Covid-19 for humanitarian aid, delivery of vaccines, delivery of food to people in need and now we can help many people thanks to our app

It’s because kodular is too slowly to Innovate or they left this project builder, See the other builder I’m so jealous that they move fast to respond all google’s warning and they want all user grow with them with proud.

If you like to upload now, the app must target API level 33…
Just extend the deadline as described here


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My app was not send for review in play store

Show this error

Your app currently targets API level 31 and must target at least API level 33 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for
security and performance. Learn More

Please koduler update and fix this

If you like to upload now, the app must target API level 33…
Just extend the deadline as described here


Also the new apps not publish on google play

Plz what we can do for publish new apps ???