Why Kodular not Updating to API 33?

There are third party websites and apps converting api 31 to 33 in just one click . Then why kodular team not doing anything ?
I am a premium member , my husband also has premium subscriptions , we pay to kodular every month to use its services but without API 33 there is no use of our apps . Playstore is rejecting new updates. We do not want to use third party solutions.
I request the team kodular to upgrade the target level API to 33 this month.


Kodular is Merging with MIT App Inventor

When it’s coming?

Read this

Edit : we can just hope for an update in september or october.

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@Lanny_CISSE Please stop misleading users when the next update will come


It’s fun… not the same reaction with this post :

But my fault… i didn’t quote the author

Apologies for that, and yes @Taifun should also stop announcing when next update will come as we don’t know.

P.S. We mods haven’t heard a pip from the team…


Nobody knows when and even if an update will come
And I never announced anything
But I now updated my previous answer to add the word “hopefully” to make it clearer


These “solutions” only can change the target version in the manifest, but there are also behavioral changes…

Therefore App Inventor distributions like Kodular might wait for the MIT App Inventor team to provide the necessary updates to reduce their work…

and meanwhile they are working on it…


Post updated… and sorry for the inconvenience

Oh GOD! all my hard works will go in vein if Kodular does not upgrade to API 33 , I have apps with 100K downloads and I literally living by my apps admob earning .
If I can not update my apps they will be undiscoverable !! No install = No Earning
I will be dead before 2024.
Plese Kodular team take some more money but do the things necessary to continue my apps. It’s a request deep from my heart :pray:


November is the FINAL dead line from Google Playstore.
by anycance they do that before that date ? Hoping :crossed_fingers:


Starting from Sept 1, 2024…
You still have almost 1 year…why the panic now?

See also


You still have a lot of time to do something to save yourself.
See if you can migrate your app to Ai2.
If you can’t then you should get started working on it.

Please have patience. We need some time :slight_smile:


when the update will arrive
Is there an estimated time?

Sorry for asking but cloud you gave the idea about the update so we can prepare accordingly for this. @pavi2410


Just tell us when kudolar team will finish the update??

Give us date to not ask again


I thought we need to prepared to left kodular and the others with the same platform and start to learn a native android language like flutter because there’s no future of all android development using no code.

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Why is kodular taking so long to update to API 33 ,on top of that its concerning because we’re paying for subscription yet their service is poor. I wish i could switch to other inventory but i can’t because so far kodular is the best.:sob::sob::sob: