Google Play Console, I am getting an error about target api level 31

Please tell the problem in detail , So we can help you

Also please tell, Where are you publishing (Play store or 3rd Party Stores)

If Play Store , You need to register a account on it , It will cost around 25$ one time ,

Check this if you need a guide for publishing in playstore

I have account on play store and i try to publish new app

Tell the error in brief and detail , This much is not enough

Read the answers in this thread Google Play Console, I am getting an error about target api level 31

We’re working on it


So what is the expectation date for sdk 33

in playstor there is problem of update so plese solve it

I can not generate apk for api 33 to android 13

Good evening,
I created a new app but it is impossible to publish it, the playstore informs me that the SDK must be at least 33. How can this problem be solved?

@vs_study_review @Nueva_Opcion @sardo84og

the answer is here


I think the order should be… first look for information and then ask, they seem to have just come out of a jar, they have been with the same thing for a month

I’m so sorry, I did the research and I’ve already read it, but the situation isn’t resolved, what should I do? Isn’t there a system external to Kodular to change the SDK?

When estimated is the update expected to arrive?

especially for you here is the answer again

Just extend the deadline as described here

we expect it (hopefully) in September or October


why this not really makes sense I already have explained here

see also this thread Permissions with new Target API 33 - #4 by Taifun for a nice example to demonstrate, that it does not make sense to target sdk33 manually

I hope it comes this month before October.

Sorry, you can only extend the deadline on apps already listed on the play store, but not for new ones… so your solution is not valid.

Any news about API33?

Api 33 is live since mid October, search community