Android app bundle

Hi to all I want to know can we make An App Bundle in kodular for my app.? Andriod studio has this features available.


AAB files (Android App Bundle) are not supported by Kodular due to their complexity.


when are they going to be available?

Never, it is not necessary. Just make your app like before, that’s just fine.


but without app bundle we can’t publish app in google play… @Peter


I didn’t get you​:thinking:

today I Upload app on play console, it demands .aab file and with apk file it gives error

I got problem like you, have you done that. Since when we upload on play store they request us for aab file. Do you have any solution? Please help me.

Just ignore that message of App Bundle and do other steps, your app will be publish after finishing all other steps
App Bundle is only for Android Studio Developers

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Just ignore that error and do other steps

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