Annoying bug: The second argument to foreach is not a list. The second argument is: 1043308263_!_Tappy world

I am making a chat app however while using firebase database component I get this error:
The second argument to foreach is not a list. The second argument is: 1043308263_!_Tappy world. Now I know many people mentioned this mine is quite different!
As you can see here this annoying error instead of saying what is in the Value if Tag not there socket it is saying the actual value which quite confuses me! Please help.

What are your Firebase_Database1.GotValue blocks?. Your problem may be there

blocks (1)
blocks (2)
Above are my blocks however they don’t seem to have errors.

blocks (4)
and these too

Please provide a screenshot of the event


For all of them?

There is only one such event
And as your error message is about a for each item in list loop let me suggest to provide especially a screenshot of that part


Ok I found the problem I was treating the value I get as a list although when I was storing it the value wasn’t a list.

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